
Haemorrhoids are one of the most common causes of rectal bleeding. Haemorrhoids are clumps of dilated (enlarged) blood vessels in the anus and lower rectum.  Haemorrhoids are also called piles. Haemorrhoids can develop inside the rectum (internal haemorrhoids) or under the skin around the anus (external haemorrhoids). Sometimes haemorrhoids swell when the veins enlarge and their walls become stretched, thin, and irritated while passing stool. Haemorrhoids are often caused by years of chronic constipation. There is itching or irritation in anal region, pain, or discomfort, swelling around anus, bleeding while passing motion. It is important to know for sure you have haemorrhoids, so do seek a diagnosis with your medical doctor to rule out other problems.

Fortunately, effective options are available to treat haemorrhoids. Many people get relief with home treatments and diet lifestyle changes. Some people may need treatment. Both treating and preventing haemorrhoids rely on eliminating constipation. A diet high in vegetables, fruits, cereals, and water will help produce soft bowel motions that are passed easily and regularly.

People experiencing haemorrhoids who want to try treating them with Ayurvedic medicine should expect herbal remedies, lifestyle changes as part of their treatment plan.

Most minor haemorrhoids can be treated with medication only. No other procedures are needed unless haemorrhoids are more severe. In worse cases, medications may be used in addition to procedures.

Your dosha will factor into the medicinal remedies your Ayurvedic practitioner chooses and any dietary or lifestyle changes they recommend you make to prevent recurrence. Some medications may not be suitable for your dosha, so follow your practitioner’s guidance.

Ayurvedic medicine for piles is a great solution to haemorrhoids. There are specific herbs your practitioner may use to help manage or treat your haemorrhoids and the type they use will depend largely on what kind of haemorrhoids you have.


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