
Asthma, Allergic Rhinitis (Hay Fever), Sinusitis

Allergic Rhinitis (Hay Fever)

Allergic Rhinitis commonly known as Hay Fever is an allergic reaction when the nose and/or eyes comes into contact with environmental allergens, such as pollens, dust mite, moulds and animal dander. This causes an immune response in the lining of the nose where the nasal passages become red, swollen, and sensitive. Some people may experience hay fever at certain times of the year, for example spring or summer, and other people experience these symptoms all year round. People having such sensitivity may show symptoms like runny nose, itching in eyes and nose, watery eyes, sneezing, congestion.

If the allergen causing the allergic rhinitis is confirmed, minimising exposure to the allergen may reduce symptoms.

Although medications do not cure allergies, they are effective and have few side effects. It is important to use them correctly.

According to Ayurveda, allergic rhinitis stems from a few factors such as aggravation of Vata, Pitta or Kapha, a weakened immune system, and digestive problems.

Ayurvedic management is aimed to treat the root cause rather than treatment the surface symptoms. The management principle for chronic allergic rhinitis is that we must manage the disturbed digestive fire and balance the aggravated Kapha, improving the immunity of the patient. The combination of Ayurvedic herbs, diet, and therapies is aimed at nourishing and support to the lungs and respiratory system.

Ayurvedic treatment of hay fever includes detox treatment to cleanse the sinuses and respiratory channels like Nasya. Making few diet changes like avoiding vata kapha aggravating food such as meat, fermented, processed, heavy food, cold food etc.

Improving one’s lifestyle is another important part of treating Ayurveda for allergic rhinitis like stem inhalation, warm water shower, good sleep, covering nose in dusty and polluted surrounding, everyday Yoga and Pranayama to improve respiratory track immunity.


The sinuses are hollow cavities in the skull, allocated between and behind the eyes, in the forehead, and cheeks. They are connected to the nose through tiny tubes. Inflammation to these sinuses is called as “Sinusitis”.

It may be a short-term, acute inflammation caused by bacterial infection such as the common cold. However, sinusitis can sometimes be a long term, chronic condition, complicated by allergies and/or structural problems in the nose, which can affect quality of life.

Blocked sinuses can be due to untreated allergy, colds, or polyps (growths on the sinus linings) and often cause pain in the face. Blocked sinuses also create an environment that favours the overgrowth of bacteria.

How is allergy a risk factor for developing sinusitis?

Allergy can cause chronic inflammation of the sinus and mucus linings. This inflammation prevents the usual clearance of bacteria from the sinus cavity, increasing the chances of developing secondary bacterial sinusitis.

Around half of all sinus infections will resolve without antibiotics and surgery. In people with frequent infections it is important to treat the underlying problems, such as allergy, and to treat symptoms quickly to prevent the need for antibiotics. Stem inhalations, saltwater irrigation of nose maybe helpful.

In Ayurveda, this condition can be correlated to Dushta Pratishyaya and Peenasa, where the main dosha affected is Kapha. It gets aggravated and vitiates the Prana Vata (a sub type of Vata), which is mainly present in the respiratory tract.

The Ayurvedic approach to sinusitis treatment is multifaceted and can involve a combination detoxification processes through Panchakarma, oral medicines, dietary and lifestyle modifications which will help in correcting Agni, balancing kapha and vata, strengthening the immune system.

Therapies like Nasyam, Lepanam, Abhyangam, Vamanam, Shirodhara are commonly practiced depending on the dosha predominance and severity.

Nasya Karma or Nasyam is a unique and one of the five detoxification therapies mentioned in Ayurveda, extraordinarily successful in treating Sinusitis.


Asthma is a medical condition in which your airways narrow and swell and may produce extra mucus. This can make breathing difficult and trigger coughing, a whistling sound (wheezing) when you breathe out, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. At other times their breathing is normal.

Asthma symptoms can be triggered by different things for different people. Common triggers include exercise, cigarette smoke, colds and flu, and allergens in the air (e.g. grass pollen).

Some people may have specific conditions which triggers the Asthma, like Exercise-induced asthma (which may be worse when the air is cold and dry), Occupational asthma (triggered by workplace irritants such as chemical fumes, gases or dust), Allergy-induced asthma (triggered by airborne substances, such as pollen)

Asthma cannot be cured, but its symptoms can be controlled. Most people with asthma can stay active and have a healthy life.

Asthma and Hay fever:

Asthma and hay fever both involve airway inflammation and sensitivity throughout the respiratory system. This means it is important to treat the nose as well as the lungs to achieve good asthma management. Though the reason that the presence of hay fever can make asthma more difficult to control is not entirely clear, blocked nose may bypass the nose humidifying function can cause dry air going in lungs which maybe the triggering factor for Asthma or nasal inflammation may trigger lower airway inflammation.

Research shows treating hay fever can reduce asthma-related emergency and hospitalisations and may help to improve your asthma symptoms. It is important to treat and manage both your asthma and hay fever well. If you have hay fever and asthma, treating your hay fever will help keep your asthma under control.

Asthma in Ayurveda is known as Tamaka Shwasa or Swasa Roga. Ayurveda clearly describes this condition as being multifactorial. It includes environmental and emotional factors as well. All cases of asthma involve an aggravation of both Vata and Kapha doshas. Ayurveda considers Asthma as a disease of gastro-intestinal origin. Ayurveda describes other causes which include stress, Chronic inflammation of different body systems, Impaired ability of the body to balance and heal itself, Instability in the nervous system as other causes of asthma, Over-active/Impaired immune system.

Asthma or swasa roga is highly variable in its course. Therefore, managing asthma with Ayurvedic remedies also needs a very individualized approach, depending on its possible causes. The general Ayurvedic approach and remedies for treating swasa roga or asthma are to first gain control of the disease as quickly possible with strong Vata and Kapha purification measures followed by appropriate herbal therapies. Different yoga poses and pranayama also help to boost respiratory system immunity, lung capacity and elasticity.


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